COMEDY Feature Film of the Day: Dancing with the Devil, by Michael Cala


ACTORTitle: Dancing with the Devil

Written by: Michael Cala

Type: Feature Film

Genre: Period Comedy-Drama

Logline: In 1961, a larger than life New York City record producer buys a half-dead R&B record label from a mobster. Suddenly, the label starts generating hits, and the mobster wants his company back now – or else.

WGA Registration Number: 090620

At the end of his rope, he behaves as any desperate person might, though, maybe more so after ingesting suspicious Gummy Worm candy. Guy is soon wrapped up in ill-thought out schemes and disturbing disguises as he hurries to make his deadline.

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By comedyfestival

Film and Writing Festival for Comedy. Showcasing best of comedy short films at the FEEDBACK Film Festival. Plus, showcasing best of comedy novels, short stories, poems, screenplays (TV, short, feature) at the festival performed by professional actors.

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